1.Shortly before I started at the State Department, a former Secretary of State called me with this advice: Don't try to do too much.
2.He is a former secretary of the navy, a Vietnam War hero, and a best-selling author, though I haven't read any of his books.
3.The book he handed to Emma just minutes later was markings, a book by a former secretary general of the united nations.
4.Perhaps the most surprising, however, was the album, filled with glossy pictures of America's former Secretary of State.
5.But Eagleburger and others - including former Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger - believe that will not happen.
6.For his part, former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger says the issues that need to be resolved are immense.
7.In a Globe and Mail article, Colin Powell, the former Secretary of State hints that he may be an Obamacon.
8.Hamilton, the former secretary of the treasury, and Vice President Burr were longstanding political rivals and personal enemies.
9.SEOUL: Kim Jong-il's companion and former secretary is emerging as a key player in North Korea after the autocratic leader's stroke.
10.Siebel has recruited a blue chip board, including former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former energy secretary Spencer Abraham.